To measure true wealth depends on what counts most to you. Those that are healthy and loved are wealthy regardless of their financial status. One of our big goals at Wanderer Financial is to teach our subscribers enough for them to become independent traders. But to achieve true financial independence requires income to exceed outgo by one means or the other. Here are some tips and ideas to get you in the right mindset.
Dividend Income Dan is a Wanderer that has been with us for a few years now. He’s a family man with two young kids, and an airline pilot living in Texas. He’s also become a … read more Dividend Income
A Time for Work and Play We’re conditioned our entire lives to work harder. By doing so, it is understood, we will make more money and by extension, we will be happy. With that as … read more A Time For Work and a Time For Play
The World of Investing – A Perfect Graduation Gift Graduation: A time of celebration and… well, GIFTS! Whether it’s high school or college graduation, it’s an opportunity to express your immense pride in your child … read more The Perfect Graduation Gift
Burn Rate Do you know what you spend in a month? What your “burn rate” is? This number is every bit as important as how much you make. After all, it’s one part of the … read more The Burn
A January in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands I’ve been a full-time Wanderer since 2003, and if I’ve learned anything it is that there is no such thing as a monthly budget. Budgets on boats … read more Cost of Boat Life
One of our big goals at Wanderer Financial is to teach our subscribers enough for them to become independent traders. That doesn’t mean that they’ll all go off on their own after they learn how … read more Basecamp Learning
Should You Use Credit Cards? We’ve all heard horror stories of people who dug themselves deep into a hole with credit cards. Way too many good folks let credit card debt spiral out of control, … read more Feeding the Credit Card Machine
Borrowing From Yourself I’ve never had a job that promised any type of pension or help with my retirement. Basically, once I quit working, the clock starts ticking and I am left hoping that I … read more Use Your Savings, Don’t Spend Them
What if there were a different life path than the one we’ve all grown up believing in? What if you could completely change the way you view adulthood? What if you could change course? A … read more Live Your Best Life Now
Buying a vehicle is a big decision, especially when you’re trying set aside funds to grow your trading account at the same time. Once you’ve decided to buy new or used, the next question you … read more Should I Finance My Next Vehicle?