There was a time, not so long ago, when trading from the Pacific would have been a far-fetched idea. Today, it's not only possible, but easy, and relatively inexpensive to do.
I recently sailed across the Pacific from Mexico to the Marquesas. It's a nearly 3,000 mile sail that took three weeks to complete. During the trip, every day, I was able to spend as much time as I liked online. I woke in the mornings to watch the markets open in New York. I sipped coffee and watched my fishing lines while the Nasdaq fluctuated up and down through lunchtime. I hung out in Basecamp, sharing pictures and stories of the trip, while also posting charts of nice trade setups.
While I admit that I sort of preferred the way it was twenty years ago when I made this trip the first time, I wouldn't trade the luxury of daily weather updates and communication with those back home in order to go back to those old ways.
Most people know by now that Elon Musk's Starlink is what's changing the internet landscape right now. Everyone from off-grid mountain homesteaders to sailors plying the high seas have made the leap, bought the dish, and paid their monthly fees in order to have what, for most of them, is the fastest internet speeds of their lives.
Starlink is a work in progress, though, and right now the plans and conditions are changing almost daily. I sailed across the Pacific Ocean on what was called their RV plan. Clearly I wasn't driving a motorhome across the ocean, but that didn't seem to matter. For $135/mo Starlink was letting me connect anyway. Upon arrival in the Marquesas I was almost immediately met with an e-mail letting me know that I was breaking the rules and I'd have to upgrade to one of their new plans. For the moment at least, I have upgraded to what they are calling their Mobile Global plan. For $200/mo I have unlimited use of Starlink while on land. Fortunately, "on land" means anywhere in the non-black areas of their coverage map. Meaning that even at anchor in a bay I am considered on land. I've also opted into an option that allows me to use it while at sea for an additional $2/gb. Not a bad deal, as I don't need to use much data while out on the open ocean.
Overall, Starlink continues to be a cost-effective way to travel the world and stay connected. Work from anywhere is truer today than at any other point in history. If you've thought about cutting those ties back home, and setting off to see the world, while still working to earn a buck, Starlink sure seems to be making it harder to talk yourself out of it.
Wanderers that are trading to earn their way are finding it a fairly simple process to log on once or twice a day, check their messages, make a trade if there is a new setup posted, and then go back to what they were doing.
Who knows, maybe we'll share an anchorage some day. Here's a shot of my office right now.
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